Poppa and Momma Worsley

Poppa and Momma Worsley

Submitted By:
Anthony Lowry

It is my hope and desire to give The Worsley’s the honor of being on this mural while they live. For years both have battled and continue to battle life threatening diseases. To be honored in this way is to know that they are really appreciated. This will secure any wonderings around “Have I made a difference in at least one child’s life?”

Please help me give them this honor as through them, I was saved. Rudolf Worsley was my 5th grade homeroom teacher. Brown vs the Board of Education caused me to be bused from my neighborhood school (Barringer Elementary) to Collingswood Elementary where I met and identified with an instructor that understood the socialization and economics of under privileged minority based children. Where I did not understand or was misunderstood in ways that affected attitudes and interests, Rudolf Worsley served as a buffer, an intermediate and a sounding board. He taught me the difference between reacting and responding and how to keep my cool and to expect the unexpected. As life would have it, I lost contact with Mr. Worsley (now affectionately known as Poppa Worsley) when I reached high school. After two years of “not fitting in” I found myself discouraged and uninterested. I failed my first two years at South Mecklenburg High School simply because I saw no need in trying. Fortunately, God changed things in such a way that my third year of high school was spent at Harry P. Harding High School. It was there that I met Mrs. Jean Worsley (affectionately known as Momma Worsley).

Momma Worsley was my 10th grade biology teacher. She single handedly embarrassed, chastised and nurtured me into a straight ‘A’ student. This happened over a period of weeks! She challenged me and would never accept “I don’t know” or “I can’t” as an excuse. I became so interested in learning that I’d voluntarily stay after school to help work on teaching projects. I could continue but needless to say how surprised I was I learned that Jean and Rudolf Worsley were husband and wife! This was around the time when they became my surrogate parents and not a moment too soon. I didn’t know God’s plan for me at the time. My biological parents were in the process of separating and ended up divorcing in the mid 1970’s. As life would have it, I ended up dropping out of school to work and help support our displaced lives.

The Worsley’s were there when I married the love of my live nearly 30 years ago. They were there when my two wonderful children (both college graduates now) were born. They were there and supported me when I went back and completed my GED, when I graduated from CPCC as a student Ambassador with a GPA of 3.8 all while working full time and with a full time family. They were there when I went on to UNCC, pledged a fraternity and graduated with a BS in Computer Science. I can continue with the countless rewards I’ve received but none would have been possible without the tireless intervention, love and support of Jean and Rudolf Worsley. They are my heroes!